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Hase nach Ottolenghi

Aktualisiert: 4. Jan.

"filetierter Hasenrücken als Roulade mit Chicoree"

Sumac- and mint-rubbed rabbit saddle with seared radicchio

The earthiness of the rabbit works really well with the bitter leaves, sweet garlic and warm pine nuts. Bone the rabbit yourself, or ask your butcher to do it for you.

Yotam Ottolenghi's sumac- and mint-rubbed rabbit saddle with seared radicchio: 'The earthiness of the rabbit works well with the bitter leaves, sweet garlic and warm pine nuts.

Hier zu sehen unsere Variante mit Chicoree.

Zutaten: (Serves four)

  • 1 whole garlic bulb, cloves separated, skin left on

  • 3½ tbsp olive oil

  • 750g boned rabbit saddles (2-4 saddles, depending on size)

  • 1 radicchio rosso di Treviso, cut in half and then into eight wedges / Chicoree geht auch

  • 90g pine nuts

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1½ tsp sumac

  • 30g chopped parsley

  • Maldon sea salt

Für den Rub:

  • 1½ tbsp sumac / Pulver vom Essigbaum oder hier verwendet eigener Quittenessig

  • 1½ tbsp dried mint

  • 1½ tbsp olive oil


  • Heat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Put the garlic cloves and a teaspoon of oil in a baking tray large enough to hold the rabbit. Stir and roast for seven minutes. Der Schritt kann auch entfallen, wenn man die Hasenrückenrouladen sanft in der Pfanne anbrät.

  • Put the rub ingredients in a small bowl, add a tablespoon of Maldon salt, mix and set aside. Remove all the sinew from the rabbit saddles. Use your hands to spread the rub all over the saddles, then roll each one lengthways into a long cigar. Tie in two or three places with kitchen string, and set aside. Das Zerlegen des Hasen dauert etwas. An einem normalen Hasen ist nicht viel Fleisch auf den Rippen. Darauf achten, dass das Fleisch zusammenbleibt.

  • Heat a teaspoon of olive in a sauté pan on a high heat. Sear the saddles for four to five minutes, turning so they colour all over. Transfer to the garlic tray and roast for eight to 12 minutes, until the rabbit is just cooked through and the garlic is soft. Set aside in a warm place to rest. Die gerollten Rouladen lassen sich in einer Pfanne mit etwas Fond auch behutsam fertig braten. Das ergibt dann auch gleich eine feine Sauce zu den Fleischstücken. Damit benötigt man keinen Backofen

  • Pour two teaspoons of oil into the sauté pan, add the radicchio and a quarter teaspoon of salt, and sear for four minutes, turning so it cooks on all sides. Add to the rabbit tray. In einer zweiten Pfanne dann den Chicoree scharf anbraten.

  • Put the pine nuts, the rest of the oil and a third of a teaspoon of salt in the sauté pan, and fry on medium-low heat for three minutes, until golden brown. Add the lemon juice, sumac and parsley, stir and set aside.

  • Cut the saddles into 1.5cm-thick rounds and divide between four plates with the radicchio and garlic. Spoon on the pine nuts and serve at once.

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